If you have a website and you’re trying to drive traffic and generate customers, you will need to do search engine optimization.
You don’t have to know everything about SEO in order to generate revenue or reaping the benefits of it.
There are some small but important search engine optimization changes you can make right away. Here are 5 simple things you can do today to improve your SEO.
You don’t have to know everything about SEO to start reaping the benefits of it.
There are some small but important search engine optimization changes you can make right away. Here are 5 simple things you can do today to improve your SEO.
1. Sign up with Webmaster Tools
On-site optimization (making sure all the technical details of your site are how they should be for both search engines and searchers) can be complicated. Luckily, both Google and Bing offer a suite of webmaster tools to make it simpler.
If your website isn’t registered with Google Webmaster Tools, do that now. If you’re set up but not familiar with all of its elements, dig in a little and explore.
You’ll get information about your site’s health and speed, any crawl errors Google finds and lots more. Here’s a great guide from KISSMetrics to make the most of your Webmaster Tools account.
2. Set up Google Authorship
If you write online, make sure you get credit for your content with Google by setting up Google Authorship.
Authorship results are more likely to catch the eye of a searcher, as seen in this heat map.
And authorship is also a significant driver in whether or not someone will click. A study performed by search marketing firm Catalyst found that clicks improved 150% with Google Authorship.
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